Analytic frequency response function


Creating frf/transmisibility function

    #include < iostream >
    #include < string >
    #include < sstream >
    #include < cmath >
    #include < iomanip >
    #include < fstream >
    #include < vector >
    using namespace std;
class SDOF_SYS
  // SDOF system parametric inputs 
   double f_min;  // minimal frequency 
   double f_max;  // maximal frequency 
   double fr;     // resonant frequency 
   double Q;      // Q - factor 
   int N;         // number of points 
    // self calulated 
    double D;      // damping 
    double freqR;  // frequency resolution 
    double NOct;   // number of octaves 
    vector<double> sdof_frf; // vecotr of type double for frequency response function 
    vector<double> vec_f;    // corresponding vector of frequencies in [Hz] <1x N>
    vector<double> vec_r;    // dimensionless frequencies from 0,1 .. in given N points <1x N>
    // contructor 
    ~SDOF_SYS();  // destructor 
    SDOF_SYS();   // empty constructor 
    SDOF_SYS(double, double, double, double, int);   // full constructor 
 void showInfo();
 vector FRF_fun();        
    //cout << " \n memory clear \n";


  // some default system 
        //  f_min  = 10 Hz
        //  f_max  = 1000 Hz;
        //  Resonator = 440Hz;
        //  Q = 120
        //  N = 100;

        f_min = 10; 
        f_max = 1000; 
        fr = 440; 
        Q = 120; 
        N = 100;
        D = 1/(2*Q);
        freqR = (f_max - f_min) / N;
        NOct = log2(f_max/f_min);


// overloading contructor with non defaults .. 
SDOF_SYS::SDOF_SYS(double minf, double maxf, double RES, double Q_fact, int n){

    f_min = minf; 
    f_max = maxf; 
    fr = RES; 
    Q = Q_fact; 
    N = n;
    D = 1/(2*Q);
    freqR = (f_max - f_min) / N;
    NOct = log2(f_max/f_min) ;


// show dynamical sdof ... system information 
void SDOF_SYS::showInfo(){
    cout << endl; 
    cout << "SDOF- FRF"       << endl;
    cout << " Starting frequency : "<< f_min     << " [Hz] " << endl;
    cout << " End frequency      : "<< f_max       << " [Hz] " << endl;
    cout << " Frequency span     : "<< f_max-f_min << " [Hz] " << endl;
    cout << " Resonant frequency : "<< fr          << " [Hz] " << endl;
    cout << " Q- factor          : "<< Q           << " [v/v]" << endl;
    cout << " Damping            : "<< 100*D       << " [ %]"<< endl;
    cout << " Number of points   : "<< N           << " [-]  " << endl;
    cout << " Freq. resolution   : "<< (f_max-f_min)/N << " [Hz] " << endl;
    cout << " Number of octaves  : "<< log2(f_max/f_min) << " [oct]" << endl;   
//compte FRF function and return vectors 
vector SDOF_SYS :: FRF_fun(){
    vector y_frf;          // sdof_frf vector
    vector x_r;            // r .dimensionless freq vector X - axis
    vector x_df;           // frequency field vector       X - axis

  // LOOP variables 
    double f; // frequency variable changing inside the loop 
    double df  = (f_max - f_min)/N;
    double r;                           // filed dimensionless

   for (int i = 0; i < N+1; i++)
               f = f_min;
                f += df;

            // frequency filed that containtes
            // f + df, fo + 2df + .... f_max .. i.e (f+df)/fr .. (f+2df)/r
                r = f/fr;

                x_df.push_back(f);             //frequency vector 
                x_r.push_back(r);              // frequecy  vector <0,    ..... 1    >
                y_frf.push_back(1/(r*r));       // FRF vectro calculation 

            cout << setw(7) << left << i << ". " 
                 << setw(10) << setprecision(4)  << left << f 
                 << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << left  << r  
                 << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << left << 1/(r*r) << endl;   

        sdof_frf = y_frf; 
        vec_f = x_df; 
        vec_r = x_r; 
    return y_frf;  
// aux function for printing out vector inside the SDOF_FRF
        void read_vector(vector x)
            vector::iterator pos; 
            for(pos = x.begin(); pos != x.end();  pos++ )
                cout << setprecision(3)<< *pos<< " ";


main function

                #include<fstream >
                #include "sdof_analytic.h"    
                using namespace std;

                int main()

                Sdof_analytic sdofx(10, 2000, 660, 120, 1000);
                cout << sdofx.sdof_info();

                // compute the FRF functinos inside the sdof system 

                // PRINT SETUP ::: filenames... 
                string fileName    = "sdof_data3.dat";
                system_write(sdofx, fileName); 

                vector < double > k = sdofx.getFRFVector();

                for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
                    cout << i << " " << k[i] << endl;

                return 0; 


When several FRFs plotted they should produce results as shown here..
        set title "Sdof system frequency response function" font ",10"
        set xlabel 'Frequency [Hz]'
        set ylabel 'Magnitude |H(w)|' 
        set logscale y 
        set grid

        plot 'sdof_data.dat' using 1:3 with line lt -1 lw 2 title 'FRF Response',\
        'sdof_data1.dat' using 1:3 with line lt -1 lw 1 title 'FRF Response',\
	    'sdof_data3.dat' using 1:3 with line lt -1 lw 1 title 'FRF Response',\

FRF Analytic function

speed test with this object and c++

        This is a single resonator object example

            SDOF- FRF
            Starting frequency : 10 [Hz] 
            End frequency      : 500 [Hz] 
            Frequency span     : 490 [Hz] 
            Resonant frequency : 440 [Hz] 
            Q- factor          : 120 [v/v]
            Damping            : 0.416667 [ %]
            Number of points   : 20 [-]  
            Freq. resolution   : 24.5 [Hz] 
            Number of octaves  : 5.64386 [oct]
            vector1; [ 1x N ]
            vector2; [ 1x N ]
            vector3; [ 1x N ]

            SYSTEM MODE ::: [ freq / r / FRF] ... :
            vector1 ::: frequencies 
            10 34.5 59 83.5 108 132 157 182 206 230 255 280 304 328 353 378 402 426 451 476 500 
            vector2 ::: dimensionless frequencies (1 at the resonance)
            0.0227 0.0784 0.134 0.19 0.245 0.301 0.357 0.412 0.468 0.524 0.58 0.635 0.691 0.747 0.802 0.858 0.914 0.969 1.02 1.08 1.14 
            vecotr3 ::: calculated FRF function 
            1.94e+03 163 55.6 27.8 16.6 11 7.85 5.88 4.56 3.64 2.98 2.48 2.09 1.79 1.55 1.36 1.2 1.06 0.952 0.856 0.774 
            TEST 1
            Increasing frequency resolution from 100 points to 10 milion points in each vector 
            1000 resonators with 100 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.222 seconds

            1000 resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.374 seconds

            1000 resonators with 10000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.443 seconds

            1000 resonators with 100,000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 9.691 seconds

            1000 resonators with 1,000,000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 77.508 seconds    

            1000 resonators with 10,000,000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 815.599 seconds

            100 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.205 seconds

            1000 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.255 seconds

            10000 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 2.782 seconds

            100.000 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 8.377 seconds

            1.000.000 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 60.475 seconds

            10.000.000 Resonators with 1000 points in three vectors returned to itself
            [Done] exited with code=0 in 642.101 second


Strange, it is better to have larger number of objects and keep the vectros shorter, but only after 1e6 points in total

Table with results