Modelling mechanical oscillator

Digital SdoF model

Use case example:
function generator output

Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) analysis was developed as a standard data processing method in the early 1960’s. Firstly SRS was used by U.S. Department Of Defense. Now this signal processing method is standardized by ISO 18431-4 Mechanical vibration and shock — Signal processing — Part 4: Shock response spectrum analysis


To setup a system which can take any

Example: system should take sweep sine, and simulate forced response

function generator output


Explanation *ISO 18431-4 Standard


#include &l tiostream >
#include  &l cmath >
#include &l string >
#include &l sstream >

//using namespace std; 

/* DIGITAL                     H(w) = FRF(f)        ===== > to H(z)
   _____ _____   ____  ______    *      .  Q = 1/2D
  / ____|  __ \ / __ \|  ____|   |     / \
 | (___ | |  | | |  | | |__      |..../ | \
  \___ \| |  | | |  | |  __|     |      fr \............... [N]
  ____) | |__| | |__| | |        |------------------------->
 |_____/|_____/ \____/|_|          |              | 
                                  fmin                 fmax
 DIGITAL SYSTEM ::: sdof_digital.h  

// Difference equation for computation of extreme response spectrum

// Explanation *ISO 18431-4 Standard
Response of a linear Single Degree of Freedom System (SDOF system) to vibration, 
according to its natural frequency, for a given damping ratio. The response is 
described here by the relative movement of the mass of this system in relation 
to its support. 

//x2  = β0 x1 k + β1 x1(k −1)+ β2 x1(k − 2) − α1x2(k −1) − α2 x2(k − 2)

    // RECALCULATING SDOF filter coefficients 
    /* Shock 
            Response Spectrum is defined as the response to a given acceleration 
            acting at a set of mass-damper-spring oscillators

                   wnS / Q  + wn^2
         A2/A1 =  ______________________  --> transformed to Z domain ....
                  s^2 + (wn/Q)S +1
                    b0 + b1*z^-1 + b2*z^-2
       H(z) =  _________________________
                   1 + a1*z^-1 + a2*z^-2   

Jan Gusic, 7.5, 2021


  /*   DIGITAL SYSTEM FORM ***************************************************************
  Sdof_digital is a calss for calculating coefficients, which are in turn returned to the 
  member structure C ( coefficients) ... this structure holds the difference equation coeffs. 
  C --- | a1  
        | a2
        | b0
        | b1
        | b2

 Now returning the structure to the public structure of 'deq' ( diff. equations interface)
 coefficients are taken by the internal function 

 deq MyEquation; 
 Sdof_digital SDOF;  which returns structure C after calling returnCoefficients()
 ( Ex. for first coefficients can be called SDOF.returnCoefficients().a1, .. ) 

 Now, put the SDOF to Diff equation for single value as...  
 MyEquation.process(Sdof_digital::C& Coeff, 0 )

 And check the coefficients passed by reference from Sdof_digital instance as
 cout << SDOF.type();

 //they should be the same..  
 FOR EACH signal value in signal_in 

MyEquation.process(SDOF.returnCoefficients(), signal_in(i)) 


  class Sdof_digital
              double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;                     //| pi
              double fs;                                              //| sampling f
              double fr;                                              //| resonance
              double Q;                                               //| Q 
              double Ts;                                              //| samp. time
              double wn;                                              //| nat, freq.
              // BiQuad filter coefficients 
              double A, B; 
              double b0,b1,b2; 
              double a1, a2; 
              struct C{
                  double b0,b1,b2, a1, a2; 
      Sdof_digital(/* default == Bypass */);                         //| Bypass sinal 
      Sdof_digital(double, double, double);                          //| Digital system initialization
      std::string type();                                            //| write coefficients to the screen 
      C returnCoefficients();                                        //| function returns C structure after reading them ..  

  {   //bypass coefficients for xin = xout .. no processing 
      // with this fitler * off
      b0 = 1;
      b1 = b2 = 0;
      a1 = a2 = 0;
  std::string Sdof_digital::type()
      std::stringstream sout; 
      sout << "| fs:" << this->fs << "| fr:" << fr << "| Q: " << Q << "\n";
      sout << "| a0:" << this->a1 << "  | a1:" << this->a2 << "\n";
      sout << "| b0:" << this->b0 << "| b1:" << this->b1 << "| b2:"<< this->b2 <<"\n";
      return sout.str();
  Sdof_digital::Sdof_digital(double Fs, double fr, double Q)
  {                           //| sampling 
                              //|          | frequency 
                              //|                  |  Q 
      this->fs = Fs;
      this->Ts = 1/fs;
      this->wn = 2*PI*fr;
      this->fr = fr;
      this->Q  = Q;
      this->A = wn*Ts/2/Q;
      this->B = wn*Ts*sqrt(1-1/4/Q/Q);
      this->b0 = 1-exp(-A)*sin(B)/B;
      this->b1 = 2*exp(-A)*(sin(B)/B-cos(B));
      this->b2 = exp((-2)*A)-exp(-A)*sin(B)/B; 
      this->a1 = (-2)*exp((-1)*A)*cos(B);
      this->a2 = exp((-2)*A); 
  Sdof_digital::C Sdof_digital::returnCoefficients()
      C coeff;
          coeff.b0 = this->b0;
          coeff.b1 = this->b1; 
          coeff.b2 = this->b2; 
          coeff.a1 = this->a1;
          coeff.a2 = this->a2;
      return coeff; 
  // Difference equation 
  struct deq
       // coefficients 
      double b0, b1, b2;
      double a1,a2;
      //input history
      double x1,x2;
      //output history
      double y1, y2;
      // procesurianje ::: Biquad filter normalized 
      double process(const Sdof_digital::C& COEFF,double x0){
          b0 = COEFF.b0;
          b1 = COEFF.b1;
          b2 = COEFF.b2;
          a1 = COEFF.a1;
          a2 = COEFF.a2;
          double y0 = b0*x0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 - a1*y1 -a2*y2;     
          x2 = x1;   
          x1 = x0;    
          y2 = y1;     
          y1 = y0;    
          return y0;
      // type the filtering coefficients to the console .. 
      void type()
          std::cout << "\n\n Difference equation setup:::";
          std::cout <<"| bo:" << b0 << "| b1: " << b1 << "|b2: " << b2 << std::endl; 
          std::cout <<"| a1:" << a1 << "| a2:" << a2 << "... " << std::endl; 


          #include "sdof_digital.h"
          #include "signal_gen.h"

          using namespace std; 

          // Functionality of sdof_digital.h 
          // herewith confrimed .. 

          int main()

              // Define Digital system :: Sdof_digital MySdof(fs,fr,Q)
              Sdof_digital sys1;
              Sdof_digital sys2(21000, 400, 40);   
              cout << sys2.type();
            // Define Digital process :: deq CH_X; i.e. Turn the system to H(z) , get coefficients 
            // then CH_X(const Sdof_digital::C&, signal_input ) 

              deq CH1;
              // Define input signal from signal_gen.h

              signal_gen sineWave;
              sineWave.sweep_linear(21000,1, 1e3, 1, 0,1);
              vector <double> x = sineWave.getSignal();

              // define the output vector to receive processed series ... 
              vector < double > y; double yy; 

              // process the series 
              // x2  = β0 x1 k + β1 x1(k −1)+ β2 x1(k − 2) − α1x2(k −1) − α2 x2(k − 2)

              for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
                yy = CH1.process(sys2.returnCoefficients(), x[i]);
          //(6) write to file for Gnuplot.. 
              ofstream results("mySys_test.dat");
              for(size_t i = 0; i < y.size(); i++){
                  results << i << "\t" << x[i] << "\t" << y[i] <<endl; }

                  results.close(); return 0;

(1) Input sinewave (2) input and forced response (3) Zooom into max. forced response region

input/system output

Forced response and input sweep sinewave

function generator output